
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Ladybug Unit {in Spanish}

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This summer I am doing a ladybug unit with one of my students.  I thought I would share the resources that I have come up with for doing a ladybug unit in Spanish.

Here are some books in Spanish to read during the unit:

I bought this Teachers Pay Teachers unit in Spanish as the foundation of what I am teaching.  You can see some of the graphics for it in the above photo.

I also created a felt ladybug out of two large circles (one black and one red) and one small black circle.  We can use this ladybug and some black beans to do number activities with the "manchas" or spots on the back of the ladybug. Some ideas are to call out a number in Spanish and have the student put that many manchas (black beans) on the ladybug.  You could also do addition and subtraction with beans on the two wings.

Here is a site with some great ideas.  It is in English, but you can convert a lot of them to another language. Ladybug ideas

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Spanish Units on Teachers Pay Teachers

If you have never checked out the site, Teachers Pay Teachers, hop on over there to see what is available for Spanish teachers.  Teachers Pay Teachers is a site where you can buy materials made by other teachers. I have found several teachers there who sell Spanish unit studies for the elementary level.  The units are not expensive.  Most of them are around five to eight dollars.  I love that I don't have to recreate the wheel!  I am planning this summer and in the fall to use some of these units as a break from our regular Spanish lessons.  Not only will my students be learning Spanish, but we will get to explore science a bit!  I am so excited!

Here are the units I am looking forward to using...

Ladybugs (which is part of what you see in the above photo)
Frogs (I have already been using this unit.  Love it!)
The Five Senses
Polar Animals
Tropical Jungle
Weather and Seasons