
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Resources for Teaching Spanish

Last year I taught a class of thirteen young students beginning Spanish.  I have spent tons of hours looking for ideas, activities, songs, and the like to teach the class.  If you teach Spanish to young children  or if you homeschool and want to add some Spanish into your day here are some ideas:

Jose Luis Orozco has a song book and CD out that are wonderful for learning traditional Spanish children's songs.

Diez Deditos and Other Play Rhymes and Action Songs from Latin America (Spanish Edition) and Diez Deditos/ Ten Little Fingers are well worth checking into to expose your kids to more Spanish.  If you have limited ability in Spanish this is the way to go as the book has the Spanish and English translation and the CD has perfect pronunciation because Jose Luis is a native speaker.

Luis Pescetti (an Argentine musician) has a great website with tons of songs and games. Here is one of my favorites:

Here are some other ideas for teaching...

Body Parts

Unfortunately, Go Away, Big Green Monster! the Spanish version is out of print, but I use the English version and just translate it as I read.  So for those that do have a good command of the language this book is an excellent way to teach the parts of the face.  Here is a link to some printable cards to use with the book:
Sequence cards for Big Green Monster

How about using Mr. Potato Head for teaching body parts?

Another link with ideas for teaching body parts.

 I love this idea for reviewing opposites!  This game can be used with a group or one on one.

Good Night and Good Morning

A game like Duck, Duck, Goose


 Here is an idea to practice verb conjugations.  Create sentences for each person (I, you, he,etc.) and put them in their appropriate personal pronoun page.

The game Battleship is great for practicing verbs.

Various Vocabulary

There are several popular games that can be adapted for reviewing vocabulary.  Memory/Memoria (as long as you are saying the words as you pick up the cards) and Go Fish/Pesca work well.  With Go Fish I have sets of cards with a picture (four cards with the same picture are a set) on it of a vocabulary word we need to review.  Students will then ask each other, "Do you have______________?" in Spanish to collect the cards they need to create sets.

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