Monday, February 8, 2016

Harold and the Purple Crayon Activity in Spanish

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I love children's literature, and many of my students love to draw. There are several books out there that lend themselves well to drawing the scenes from the story after you read it to your students. I especially like the books in which I can incorporate prepositions for my students to review. Here is an example from the book, Si Quieres Ver una Ballena.

Harold y el Lapiz Color Morado  is another great book to use if you want your kids to practice or review prepositions. Basically, I read the book to them and then have them get a blank sheet of paper which we fold in half three times. This gives you eight "boxes". In each of the boxes, your kids will draw a sketch of what you say to them in Spanish. Here are some of the sentences I have my students draw, but you could definitely do your own based on the book.

La luna está sobre el camino.
Hay manzanas arriba en el árbol.
Hay un dragón debajo del árbol.
Harold está debajo del agua.
El alce está cerca de los pasteles.
El puercoespín está lejos de Harold.
Harold está encima de la montaña.
Hay una cesta debajo del globo.
El globo está enfrente de la casa.
La luna está afuera.
La ventana está alrededor de la luna.
La manta está encima de Harold.

El lápiz morado está en el suelo.

Have fun drawing with prepositions!

And by the way, if you have any great book recommendations for doing this type of activity I would love for you to leave them in the comments!

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