There are some children's books that are so incredibly beautiful and rich in language that they are not to be missed. Llevé a la Luna a Pasear
is one of those books. In the story a little boy takes the moon for a walk. They encounter clouds, howling dogs, dew on the ground, and their reflections in a stream. The language of the book is rhythmic with rhyming words throughout.
What I love about this book is its rich vocabulary. Reading Llevé a la Luna a Pasear
would be an excellent start to a unit on nature. Take a look at all the vocabulary provided...
la luna
las nubes
el algodón
la hierba
los petirrojos
el nido
el rocío
el cielo
la orilla
la luz
At the end of the book there are two pages of information: one describes in Spanish the phases of the moon and the other gives information on nocturnal animals.
There are also a plethora of animals pictured in the story that you can focus on and provide vocabulary for...
los perros
las ovejas
la ardilla
el búho
el conejo
el erizo
las vacas
el zorro
la polilla
la abeja
la mariquita
el saltamontes
la hormiga
los petirrojos
el caracol
la oruga
la gallina
el cisne
el gato
el murciélago
los luciérnagas
It would be a fun activity to try to find all the above animals in the illustrations once your students are familiar with the words. Call out the animal in Spanish and see if they can find it.
Don't miss this book! So beautiful and a goldmine of vocabulary for your students!
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