I live in Alaska so I am very familiar with the cold, snow, and the animals of this region. We have had moose walk down our street. One year a caribou herd entered town in the depth of the cold. So since my students are somewhat familiar with the arctic (We actually live in a boreal forest area than the arctic.), I decided to do a polar unit with my students. I have lived in Argentina {love that country!} and been to the southernmost city in the world (Ushuaia) so I have a little familiarity with the other side of the world. So why not add the antarctic to our studies since South America at least comes somewhat close to it and hosts penguins and other animals from that region. Here is a list of resources if you would like to teach about the two poles and the animals that live there...
I start out this unit by teaching the continents and then talking about which continents are in or near the arctic and antarctic. We then move onto animal names. Here is the list we work with including the regions that they are located in. "Los Dos" indicates that they are both arctic and antarctic animals. {Note: A moose is not an arctic animal...more sub-arctic, but many people include them in the list.}
Foca-seal los dos
Morsa-walrus ártico
Zorro-fox ártico
Alce-moose ártico
Oso polar-polar bear ártico
Pingüino-penguin antártida
Orca-killer whale los dos
Ballena-whale los dos
Caribú-caribou ártico
Buey almizclero-musk ox ártico
Please see all the resources below that I use to teach this unit...
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Books to Read
El Habitat Del Artico
El Habitat De La Antartida
Arriba y Abajo
Perdido y Encontrado
El Invierno
Copos y Cristales: Un Libro Sobre la Nieve
Adivina Que Esta Creciendo Dentro de Este Huevo
I use a lot of the available resources at Teachers Pay Teachers so that I don't have to reinvent the wheel! It saves me so much time!
Penguin Prepositions-Posters that teach prepositions using penguins and ice.
Polar Bears and Penguins-Great little booklets and fact sheets all in Spanish about these two "polar opposite" animals.
Penguin Preposition Practice
Los Continentes-I teach the continents in Spanish with this unit and we discuss what continents are involved in the arctic and antarctic and which ones are close to those two regions.
Find and Tally Arctic and Antarctic Animals
Polar Vocabulary in Spanish
Foca, Foca Reader
This science activity to show how animals survive the cold.
Roll and Draw a Penguin-How about a game in which all you need is a die, this printable and a pencil? An excellent way to incorporate some more words into your students' vocabulary. This is a competitive game. Roll the die and draw in the penguin part. The first person to complete his or her penguin with all five parts wins.
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