I am a lover of books, and I especially love children's books. I use them every time I teach kids Spanish. My collection is pretty extensive {read: "an obsession"}. So I have collected for you a list of some of my favorites. Each day during the month of January come back and read another post about a great book you can use to help kids learn Spanish. I have picked these books based on several criteria {although not all the books have each one of these characteristics}.
A great overall story
Thematic vocabulary
Examples of Hispanic culture
Teaching concepts {Ideas in the story that you can springboard off of to teach Spanish}
So here is the list and links to each post about the books I have chosen. {Please note that links won't work until the actual date of posting.}
El Increíble Niño Comelibros
Chumba La Cachumba
Mi Pequeña Enciclopedia
Adivina Qué Está Creciendo Dentro de Este Huevo
Un Alce, Veinte Ratones
Los Animales No Se Visten
El Alce Que Tenía Sed
Este Alce es Mío
El Flamboyán Amarillo
Se Venden Gorras
Oso en Bicicleta
Un Recorrido por la Selva
Así Me Siento Yo
La Oruga Muy Hambrienta
De la A a la Z (Country Books in Spanish)
Como Atrapar una Estrella